Plug in the wiring harness and lock rods.
How to change power door lock actuator 2005 chevy silverado.
You should see the voltage polarity toggle with each switch activation.
Unclip the lock rods and unplug the wiring harness.
There was no room and led to many nicks and cuts.
Then use your test light or digital meter to check for power and ground at the connector when you operate the lock unlock switch.
Door lock systems operate the actuator by toggling positive negative voltage to the actuator.
Removing the door latch assembly was a pain.
If you take the time to remove the assembly just replace the motor.
That motor as posted above is 30.
Transfer the mounting bracket and dust cover to the new lock actuator.
Unplug the door lock actuator electrical connector.
Again the difficulty was not bad to replace the motor.
Once the actuator is free from the door it should be hanging by the interior lock rod.
Way cheaper than the whole assembly.
It did require removing the door handle.
It has a little purple plastic piece on the top that you need to insert a broad flathead into and push up.